What We Do


Sunday 8:00 A.M. Broadcast 100.7 WRES-FM 9:30 A.M Church School - Biblical Instruction 9:30 A.M. New Member's Orientation - Instructed by Dr. Grant and First Lady Belinda Grant 10:45 A.M. Children's Church 10:45 A.M. Worship Service Members contact the church office for Regularly Scheduled Events Tuesday & Thursday 12:00 Noon Mid-Day Manna with Mt. Zion - 100.7 WRES-FM Radio Wednesday 12 Noon/6:00 PM Bible Study and Prayer

What We Do

Project NAF: A Minority Infant Mortality Reduction Program

Project EMPOWER:  A Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative and A Program to provide services to impact the Opioid Crisis

COVID-19 Outreach & Education

Outreach & Collaboration

MZCD Programs

MZCD administers three programs- - Project NAF, Project EMPOWER and COVID-19 which is an expansion initiative.  MZCD engages in  Outreach & Collaborative activities that align with approved strategies and initiatives by Buncombe County HHS and Community Health Improvement Process (CHIP) which is committed to support approved efforts and strategies for collective impact on the priorities identified through our Community Health Assessment.