
Sunday 8:00 A.M. Broadcast 100.7 WRES-FM 9:30 A.M Church School - Biblical Instruction 9:30 A.M. New Member's Orientation - Instructed by Dr. Grant and First Lady Belinda Grant 10:45 A.M. Children's Church 10:45 A.M. Worship Service Members contact the church office for Regularly Scheduled Events Tuesday & Thursday 12:00 Noon Mid-Day Manna with Mt. Zion - 100.7 WRES-FM Radio Wednesday 12 Noon/6:00 PM Bible Study and Prayer

Project NAF

(Nurturing Asheville and Area Families)

 MZCD has been providing services, case management and support to pregnant and post-partum Africa American women and their children through Project NAF since 1998. Project NAF has been cited as a National Community Initiative Model to Eliminate Health Disparities, led by the U. S. Bureau of Primary Health Care.

We are honored to have been able to serve the community throughout this time and look forward to continuing our successful partnership Project NAF staff members are dedicated to the provision of services and support to the community.

Goals & Objectives:

Goals:  To Reduce the incidence of infant mortality and low birth weight among Buncombe  and Henderson County African American pregnant and post-partum women through the provision of:

  • Case management/care coordination services; health education and support for all program participants focused on: breastfeeding initiation and maintenance up to at least 6 months, elimination of use and exposure to tobacco, education on safe sleep practices, folic acid consumption, reproductive life planning, and the importance of improving self-esteem; healthy weight management, good nutrition practices, and physical fitness;
  • We promote well/sick child medical visits and appropriate immunizations, and provide outreach to the priority population, providers, and community leaders on the issues of minority infant mortality; and,
  • Project NAF develops strategic partnerships with other providers and community leaders to reduce racial disparities in maternal and infant care and improve the physical environments in which program participants live.

Project NAF Community Advisory Board

Denise Duckett: BCHHS Pregnancy Care

Nancy Farmer: Sparc Foundation

Charlene Galloway-Pea: Mt. Zion Church of Asheville, Inc.

Anne Kouri, Mars Hill University

Latoya McDaniel, Representing as a Former Participant

Tim Splain, Asheville City Police Department (Male Advocate)

Vacant: Advent Health

Royanna Williams: Business Owner & Former NAF Participant


with Parental Supervision